Taiwan Juken Co., Ltd was formed by Juken Kogyo and Taiwan local company in 1987Juken Kogyo specialized in the development of small parts and precision plastic gear. They had devoted themselves to research and roll out the dedicated small plastic injection molding machine for the production of micro parts.
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株式會社 樹研工業
Juken Kogyo Co., Ltd.
地址:〒441-8077 愛知県豊橋市神野新田町字トノ割35
35 Tonowari, Jinnoshinden-cho, Toyohashi, Aichi, 441-8077, Japan
TEL : 0532-31-2061東莞市樹聯塑膠製品有限公司
Shulian Plastic Products Co.,Ltd.
Nanwu Industrial Zone, Houjie Town Dongguan City
TEL : 86-765855 90680